makes pagination easy, and we use it whenever we need to show lots
of ActiveRecord objects. Once the will_paginate gem is installed, it
provides a built-in #paginate
method for classes that
inherit from ActiveRecord::Base
, but we still had our
own crazy hacked-up pagination for the responses we would get back
from solr. In the interest of making things more consistent and
deleting as much code as possible, we thought it'd be a good idea to
look into getting our solr objects into the will_paginate model.
This turned out to be much easier than
expected. The will_paginate
view helper expects an
instance of WillPaginate::Collection
, which is simple
enough to initialize. It was as easy as adding the following method
to our search models:
def paginated_docs(options = {})
WillPaginate::Collection.create(options[:page] || 1, options[:per_page] || PER_PAGE) do |pager|
@response = $solr_client.query(self.search_options.merge({
:offset => pager.offset,
:limit => pager.per_page}))
# pager.replace sets total_entries if we're on the
# last page. Otherwise, we'll just populate it.
unless pager.total_entries
pager.total_entries = @response.total
As long as a WillPaginate::Collection
is returned,
will_paginate will do the right thing. Something similar should work
for using other services that support limit/offset, but don't have
built-in pagination.
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